Commercial Properties
Red Barn Realty is part of the EA Realty family of companies. If you are looking to lease, purchase or sell a commercial property our dedicated staff of commercial experts are able to help you.
Specializes in the sale & leasing of commercial properties in Maryland and Northern Virginia
Josh Halbedel, Senior Advisor
410-402-4200 (O)
703-447-4950 (M)
Specializes in the sale of all types of land from individual building lots, land for commercial development, land for large scale residential development and agricultural & recreational land.
Stephen J. Ferrandi, Broker
866-910-LAND (O)
410-925-4566 (M)
Specializes in the sale and leasing of religious properties, schools and camps.
Barb Bindon, Director
855-204-2400 (O)
202-925-4566 (M)